
Tuesday 7 August 2018

"She Cut Her Heart"

That night she cut her heart
and the blood draped
her words on the crumpled paper.

She felt at ease,
and went to sew her heart.

"O Dear! you are precious", whispered the crumpled paper.
Her sullen eyes bathe in despair,
as she waited for years to hear these words.

"Be my lover!", she could hear the echoes.
And in that moment, when she lifted the paper
to feel her words- it purified
the crumpled paper.

Thus, the holy paper
became her secret keeper.


That night she cut her heart.

Wednesday 25 July 2018

"That Night"

He looked at her like a garden strawberry,
She looked at him like a temptation- hard to resist.
Both were perplexed to approach and curious to explore every inch of their desires that were burning; willing for someone to pacify them.
“Shall we or shall we not”? The questions that were obvious in their ardent gaze.
“Let's burn the midnight oil”, the answer on their lips, while looking at each other in a way that could melt the stack of ice at once.
Both tried to hide their urge, but the sweet temptation tricked the two souls and they were entangled in unending orgasmic fantasy. He touched his lips and tasted the kiss of love and with every kiss, her heart started throbbing. He was not willing to leave her and she wanted more of it. Their erotic urge came to life -
The lips were revealing their desires and hands were being the guardian of erotic stimulations; His penis inside her vagina and his hands on her tits while kissing her tender lips; her hands on his back while feeling every inch of his soul. Teasing, cuddling, and pleasing were the words that echoed in that room.
They were doing their best to pen down ecstatic love and their loud, pleasing moans assured them that they are soul mates in the room of love. That night lasted forever and the orgasmic revelations remained etched in their hearts till eternity.
That night they had the best sex, because they were soul mates in paradise- Naked in love.

Friday 8 December 2017


Chiseled my gravel dark and bright,
with faces holding me so tight,
Shun all ordeals or let me fight.

Isn't it clear?
Don't you see I have that natural flair,
Beat me, throw me:
I won't stop, It's clear.

Faces, Faces everywhere,
None so real, none so true.
Why are those faces holding me tight?
Shun all ordeals or let me fight.

Where have I come?
"She is novice", says some.
Look here, I am basking in sunshine.
Come not near me: I am fine.

Chiseled my heart upright,
Words- Bitter than fever,
Finding hard to swallow; Bestowed with more on a platter.
Tears- As sweet as honey,
I held them to not let fall.

See those faces,
holding me tight,
None so real, none so true.

Faces, Faces everywhere...

Thursday 17 August 2017

"अर्ज़ियाँ "

हम तो आज भी खुद को तराश रहे हैं,
कभी पूछो हमसे भी हाल कैसा है;
चले गए तो आना मुश्किल है,
रुक गए तो किस्मत फिर किसी ख्वाब में सजी है,
बस यही सोचकर वक्त की सुई को पीछे कर देती हूँ,
और फिर भी वक्त को खुद से आगे पाती हूँ  ! (1)

दबी हुई साँसों ने याद किया,
लम्हा तब भी बीतता चला गया,
इंतज़ार करते करते जो ख्वाब ने अक्स दिखाया,
समय का चक्रव्यू फिर खुलकर सामने आया ! (2)

आये हैं दर पे तेरे,
किस्मत न सही मंज़िल हो जाये मेरी,
इसे स्वार्थ नहीं अनकही ख्वाइश समझना,
जाना तो चाहते हैं खाली हाथ,
क्यों न किस्मत को भी साथ लेकर चलें ? (3)

जाने कितने फासले आ गए कुछ सालो में,
पल पल चुभ रहा है किसी के इंतज़ार में ! (4)

क्यों कुरेदते हो बीते लम्हे,
इन्ही से थी वफ़ा की उम्मीद,
अब क्या इन्हें भी बेवफाई की राह पर जाना है ? (5)

मेरे होने से अगर कुछ बदलता, 
तो आप आज यूँ रुस्वा ना होते ! (6)

उठाई थी हमने कलम,
सोचा अपनी कहानी लिखेंगे,
पर धोखे के बाज़ार में कुचली गई ! (7)

चाहो तो यादों का बक्सा भर लो,
नज़रों में कैद दिल को आज़ाद कर दो ! (8)

आज फिर वही रात सामने आई,
तेज़ हवा फिर बेवफाई का पैगाम लाइ ! (9)

हमने भेजा तोहफा मोहोब्बत का,
बदले में उन्होंने लौटाया टूटा दिल हमें ! (10)

वक्त को अगर तकल्लुफ है हमारी चाहत पे,
तो हम ख़ुशी से दिल को बागी घोषित करते हैं,
दिए हैं जो वक्त ने हमें यह चंद हसीं पल फ़िराक में,
आज हम भी आज़माना चाहेंगे वक्त के इस तीर-ऐ-नीमकश को ! (11)

"कलम से "

उसके चले जाने से वक्त जरूर बेवफा हुआ,
पर दुआ तो आज भी वफाई की डोर पकडे हुए है ! (1)

आज सब कुछ खोकर भी
खुद को अमीर मानते हैं,
अगर अमीरी के बाज़ार में मिलती है बेवफाई,
तो अमीर होकर भी खुद को गरीब मानते हैं ! (2)

कैसे करें यकीन दिल का,
यह तो फिर यादो के समुन्दर में डूब गया ! (3)

ज़िन्दगी भी कैसे अजीब खेल खेलती है,
उसी को पाने की उम्मीद रखती है जिसे कायनात ने ठुकरा दिया ! (4)

सच की तालाश में निकले थे,
पर झूठ की अँधेरी गलियों में खो गए,
सच तो कोशिश कर रहा था रौशनी पाने की,
पर झूठ के कारखानों में बेरहमी से मारा गया ! (5)

हाथो की लकीरें तो पहले भी अपना वजूद ढून्ढ रही थी,
गुलाब से नहाकर अब कांटो से सजी हैं ! (6)

दिल तो पहले भी गुलाम बन बैठा था,
आज जब आज़ाद होना चाहता है
तो उसकी आवाज़ ने दिल में घर बना लिया ! (7)

वोह जो लिख दिया था नाम वक्त पे,
आज वही पानी की तरह बह गया कहीं दूर ! (8)

उसकी कलम मेरे दिल से यूँ जाकर टकराई,
लगता है जैसे फिर कोई कहानी शुरू होने को है ! (9)

कभी की नहीं दोस्ती रात से,
आज पूछ बैठे हाल चाँद का,
कभी अँधेरे ने की थी अलविदा,
आज पहली बार अपना सा लगा ! (10)

लिखे थे कुछ खत उनको वफाई के,
क्या पता था लौटा देंगे वो बेवफाई से,
यूँ तो वादे हज़ार कर बैठे थे वो साथ चलने के,
पर दिल को कुरेद बैठे थे राख की तरह,
आंसू तो गिरे ही थे अपनी पहचान पाने के लिए,
पर जल से गए थे मोहोब्बत की आग मिटने के लिए ! (11)

एक शाम थी ऐसी,
जो दिल में घर कर गई,
जाते जाते दुआ में सलाम दे गई ! (12)

Thursday 3 August 2017

"Before Tomorrow Comes"

The morning whispers and flickering memories forced my subconscious mind to work in reverse order.

It was a peculiar morning- Frogs jumping in and out from the windows, birds sliding down from the tree tops, Eagles playing hide and seek with the clouds. My mind could sense a storm, but the vivid memories tricked my heart and I found myself trapped in the pool of emotions.

I wore the veil of calmness- only my heart knew that I am a little fish longing for water.  There by the side of Dead Sea, I longed for my survival and made a wish to detach my soul from human emotions. I didn’t know the outcome, but somewhere deep down my heart whispered “Before tomorrow comes, live the life you earned”. 

I knew, I was playing with the wise. That moment, I closed my eyes and my subconscious unveiled the vivid memories like a 3D movie.  I experienced the Déjà vu – My heart lost the battle while my mind still forced me to move on.  I am now a silver antique longing to be fascinated by red (color of love) and my heart uttered:
“Fears will vanish,
Make a step or two,
I will move slowly in the dew,
Visible, Invisible! For mighty few,
before tomorrow comes, I will just live for seconds with you”. 

Monday 6 February 2017

"Life- A Roller Coaster"

Those days when sun burned, I adored crimson red.
It reminded me of the time when heart was free and mind was no longer bounded
in the shackles of untold misery; Good night’s sleep, peaceful surroundings, and mother’s lap.
What else can toddler expect?

It was 2+2=4 (simple equation); Nobody demanded proof of existence.
Mind didn’t search for an alternative- It was good to cry out loud and bury the pain at once.
To fight over little things and feeling dejected when life threw back- It was an open live show.

Now, when the equation has turned complex,
heart is bound in the shackles of untold misery.
It’s been ages since I guffawed- Somewhere between keeping up with the world and making up for lost things, shit happened- Life.
It’s been ages since I cried out loud to express my feelings- Somewhere between burning on an edge to burning from inside, shit happened- Life.

I used to hate being a loner; I had friends to play with.
Now, loneliness is my only friend- Time burns and so does the goodness.
It’s been ages since someone asked about me- Somewhere between stepping stones and building bridges, shit happened- Life.
It’s been ages since I revealed my true emotions- Somewhere between learning life hacks to getting pragmatic, shit happened- Life.

I crave for the time when I was toddler,
it’s long gone yet the vague hope makes me smile.
Somewhere between spending money to earning money, I realised one thing- All that glitters is not gold.
And somewhere between being innocent to being mature, shit happened- Life.